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MOM'S NIGHT OUT - Floral Arranging Workshop September 21, 2023

Do you love flowers? I do! But I don't love having to pay for them to be beautifully arranged - so I learned a little about how to arrange them myself! Come to Mom's Night Out and I'll teach you what I learned - for waaaaaaaaay cheaper than an online class or in-person floral arranging workshop - just the cost of supplies. (Stayed tuned for more info on the price, roughly $30-40, but definitely no more than $40).

Bring a small appetizer or drink to share. Let's make this a "Sip 'n Eat 'n Arrange" event. (See what I did there? I mean, I could make millions naming events ).

Once the price is posted, if you want to participate in the "Arrange" part of the event, simply venmo @fit4momsouthoc the amount for supplies by Sept. 19th so I can go purchase everything for you (concierge service here ).

If you are only coming for the "Sip 'n Eat" part, no problemo! Just bring a small dish or drink to share and we'll see ya there!

Sign-up in our system so we can send you my address in Laguna Niguel (I don't want to post it publicly. Gotta keep the paparazzi from knowing where I live ).

Babies under 1 are always welcome. Got family in town? Bring any other moms with you, including your own mom or grandma!

No events scheduled

Free September 21, 2023